Global Change Ambassador FAQs

  • A global network of young people aged 11-25 passionate about creating change within their local communities and around the world.

  • The Ambassador program is open to finalists and winners of the Global Youth Awards. It is also open to young people aged 11-25 who volunteer for Legacy Project and for youth that contribute towards our global goals.

  • Contact our Director of Youth Development & Projects with a summary of the work that you are currently doing and the reason that you think you would be a great addition to the Ambassador program.

  • Becoming part of a global community of people doing good in the world. Our Ambassadors have access to mentoring, coaching, events, speaker panels and a huge network of changemakers.

    Becoming a Global Change Ambassador is a great way to demonstrate to potential employers or educational institutions that you are committed to lasting social impact. It is a great accolade for your LinkedIn profile, resumé or CV. There is also opportunity to become a youth judge for the Global Youth Awards or to be involved on other levels if you are local to the event.

  • Our Ambassadors have the option to be connected with any other ambassadors of their choice, and to be added into the Global Change Ambassadors WhatsApp group, which is the fastest way to reach out to the network.

    There will also be opportunities to meet face to face and online at events.

  • Yes, they each have a profile on our Ambassador page with links directly to their preferred pages and projects. They can also share projects via the WhatsApp group with other Ambassadors.

    The Legacy Project team are always happy to share projects and news stories via our socials and with our networks.

  • Yes, anyone aged 11-25 and leading inspirational projects for social and environmental impact around the world can be nominated or self-nominate, regardless of Ambassador status.

    Some of our Ambassadors have been nominated for and won multiple awards chosen by our external youth judges.

  • We are always delighted to connect with organisations passionate about supporting youth.

    If you have any opportunities to offer our Ambassadors, please get in touch with us through our website.

  • The Ambassador program runs for 12 months initially, after which we will be in touch to see if the Ambassador program is still a good fit. Where this is the case, we allow Ambassadors to renew for the next 12 months.

  • As part of the Ambassador program, we are often approached by over 25s passionate about supporting youth development that would like to volunteer their time to mentor and support a young person.

    Ambassadors are invited to look through the Global Change Mentors at the bottom of the Ambassador page and get in touch if they would like to access this opportunity.

    Once an Ambassador reaches 25, they are invited to consider whether they would like to give their time to being a Global Change Mentor.

    If you are over 25, whether or not you are already an Ambassador and would like to become a Global Change Mentor, please get in touch by emailing